Monday, October 22, 2007

Electric Wires In Bangkok: An Horror

Since I'm on the topic of Bangkok city, I feel the need to speak about what makes this city's streets simply UGLY most of the time: The electri wires everywhere!

For a reason yet to be discovered, you dont have one wire, or a set of wires neatly joined together, but rather a hard to describe jumble pack of uneven wires.

It really uncomfortable to have one of those wires loosely hanging at few centimeters of you when you are taking one of these bloody bridges you are force to take when you want to cross a road (but I'll blog about it later).
You don't really feel secure, trust me.

Since a picture worth thousands words, I let you have a look.

Leave your comment by clicking on the blue hyperlink showing "n comments" (n being the number of comments currently on the post lol).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol we will leave a comment if we want. but i was wondering do u think it's worst than in cameroon think to take a picture the next time u'll be there