Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hot...Did you say hot?

Well, we're entering the summer here. It's funny when I think that we are just entering.

Temperatures here could, at best, be described as crazy.

Just saying that it's hot is far from being enought to express what we feel here.

I think that to get an idea you shoudl try this.

Turn on your oven and ajust it to the level 1.5 (around 45 degrees). Let the oven heat up for about 15 min. Then open it and put your arm inside.

Well now you know what it feels like here when we are under the direct sunrays. Except of course that it's the WHOLE BODY which is being litteraly burned.

I spent the last 48hours without my bike which means that I had to walk to move across the campus. In concrete terms I spent 3 times more time outside that I usually do.

I do have the funny impression that I'm being "cooked" when I'm outside. It's actually funny when I sit in my room with AC on like now. Back outside it's not that funny.

Oh, and if you want figure I would say between 34 and 36 degrees. But temperature felt under direct sunlight should be around 38/40.

And for those who remember summer 2003 in France, well, let say that it was just a joke compare to here.

So, still wanna stop by?

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