Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hole in The Wall Initiative.

Normally I focus more on the travel/backpacking/Lifestyle subjects.
But from time to time I talk about other subjects.

Today I want to talk about one interesting initiative. The Hole-in-the-Wall initiative is basically trying to bring computer access to the poor children.

In the meantime, the aim is to help children to acquire new knowledge just by playing on computers without any external supervision.

What is interesting is that the computer is basically embedded in a wall and there is absolutely no restriction to the access.

The idea is that children will naturally learn, driven by their curiosity.

It's quite a counter-intuitive idea and the first time I heard about it I was thinking :" Whats the point".

The essay, which came as a part of my assignment in my ICT (Information and communication technologies) course, is exploring that initiative in the context of e-learning.

Feel free to read it (click on this link for a full screen version) and comment.

You can download the full version as a PDF or as a Word document.

The document is under the creative common licensing, which means that you can reused it as long as you explicitly mention the author (that would be me). If you can also link to this blog, its even better :)


udayan said...

Hello Tresor,

It's me Udayan. Your friend from Nepal, at ICT class, AIT.

I went through your blogs, they are interesting, keep it up!

but the link:

is not working. I wanted to go through your report, so, may be you can send me the pdf file.



Anonymous said...

Well said.