Saturday, April 07, 2007

Post from Angkor (Cambodia)

I'm currently in the city of Siam Reap, the closest city before Angkor.

I've been visiting the temples all day long. And I must say that it's just one of the most amazing experience ever.

You have to take at look by yourself. Its just beautiful.

But if you cant, I've got an incredible number of pictures that I'll post in few days (as soon as I get back actually).

We wake up at 5AM to be on the site before the sunrise to see it from there.

And I must tell you that from there, you get one of the most incredible view you can imagine.

I dont know if the pictures will show how great it is.

several cities were built in the area, so you have a bunch of temples, with some differences in the architecture.

You have NO IDEA of how beautiful it is, evry single wall is sculpted minuteously.
I cant even imagine how much time they devoted on building those temples.

Anyway, I'm gonn blog about it later. I didnt came here to stay in a cyber-cafe :-)

Cant wait to post the pics.

More to come soon...

1 comment:

wilounet said...

bro please come back with a tuk tuk