Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Life is not always easy in Cameroon

Somehow, during my trip in Cameroon, I couldnt help but notice the similiraties between Cameroon and Cambodia.

Both countries have some beautiful landscapes, some modern cities but also many places where misery is the best word to describe how people live.

Here are some pics took on the fly.

No comment..


Anonymous said...

Slut cher compatriote. La vie est vraiment loin d'être facile chez toi, chez moi, chez nous. On aura l'okaz d'en rediscuter; on a pourtant un pays magnifique, béni par Dieu lui même. fais un tour sur mon blog qd tu peux . Tu peux y accéder en saisissant "Menadus" comme mot de recherche google. Gars we're together

Anonymous said...

loool il faut dire que tu as pris l'essentiel en photo