Monday, January 29, 2007

Contact lenses you should avoid

I went to an optical store yesterday. I wanted to check the prices for contact 
lenses and cleaning product.
They have the same european brands, but this store didn't have the brand 
I'm currently using which is Precision UV. 
It's not a big deal, one can change brands as long as the one choosen fits 

I first looked at daily lenses. It's really expensive. It's not surprising because 
it's the allegedly the same lenses that I had back in france, but I was kinda 
expecting some lower prices anyway, at least to match the living standards here. 

So I went back to my monthly lenses. I have some concerns about this, because of the heat and humidity. Monthly lenses could be hard to keep clean 
for a whole month. But they are less, less expensive. I was hesitating, thinking that maybe I should go to another stores to compare prices. But the girl at the store popped up with this cheap lenses which were nonetheless one I knew. It was Acuvue2 lenses. I do know the brand, though I'd never one of their products. For a fair price of 180 baths (about 4euros) for one monthly pair, I thought I should give it a try.

So I did at the beginning of this afternoon (basically when I woke up).
Greatest error of the day. This is the worst pair I've ever worn. It was more than uncomfortable, it was irritating my eyes. I had to carry it on for 
the 3 hours my class lasted.
Plus we had a powerpoint presentation to do and I couldnt help to keep on blinking.
These lenses shouldn't be allowed to be sale. I don't know if this has anything to do with the fact that it was made in thailand. I don't think so but who knows?

The conclusion is simple: Avoid Acuvue, it simply sucks.
I'll try to find a decent lenses here. Otherwise, I'll seriously start to consider the glasses option.

Oh BTW, I did a quick test of my eyesight power. The result was disappointing, it went down again. I'm a -4.50 now. Dammit!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Je ne sais pas pour la Thaïlande, mais au Viêt-Nam, pour environ 30€, il y avait un opticien avec des vendeuses super sympas qui vendait des lunettes fashion, qui valent 7 fois plus chers en France, et elles m'ont bien satisfaites. Après l'inconvénient certain des lunettes par rapport aux lentilles c'est de les sentir sur le nez, la sueur, le changement physique, ...